Sunday, November 26, 2017

Better Retirement

A better retirement. Until you retire, you don't know. The retirement you're dreaming of or planning is not found in advertising, it's in your lifestyle. SunKlub International is active, healthy, easy living retirement. SunKlub International retirement living belief is a retirement without financial stress, living fees, utility bills. rent/mortgage or food expenses. SunKlub International is all-inclusive retirement living. Freedom.
Vacation into free retirement living. The all-inclusive resort will combine vacation & retirement units on the same property. All-inclusive vacation will be on one half with it's own pools, bars, and restaurants. Retirement living units will be on the other half with it's own pools, bar/pub and restaurant.
The advantage to members: The vacation division will carry the cost of managing both, all-inclusive vacation & all-inclusive retirement living, this will allow retiring members to retire, free of fees, utility bills, or maintenance cost.

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SunKlub International

Retirement hope.