Thursday, June 7, 2012

Yesterday....Tomorrow...and Now...Our Life is Not Lived.!

From birth to now if we examine our lives, we can use the excuse that the childhood part of growing up was out of our control. But what about the adult us, have we taken control of living, do we have our life and do we know how to adjust and change if we don't. We do but, the funny thing about advise, knowledge, answers and where to find them. We don't, we drift and hope. Yes we say we did this and that, but think of the amazing creature that we are. We can live, earn income and be happy. We need to remember the friends or loved ones that passed on and we can slowly start moving towards the living light. Start by trying not to get upset about things, but try to focus on why they happened and what can be done or changed to help better happen. Yep, help better happen. Many have applied what they enjoy doing and earned income. It can happen slowly, quickly or even fail, but to live is doing.!

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